Mining - Pools and Software - May 02, 2011


DeepBitCompensation: Proportional reward mode as well as fixed-rate Pay-Per-Share.Current pool strength: 281 Ghash/s-

Bitcoin Pooled Mining (aka Slush’s pool)The pool charges a flat 2% fee.Current pool strength: 263 Ghash/s-

BTCMineCompensation: Shared block and pay per share payouts.- pool strength: 30 Ghash/s

Bitcoin PoolCompensation: Shared block payouts.- pool strength: 36 Ghash/s

ElgiusCompensation: Shared block payouts, excluding trx fees earned.- pool strength: 27 Ghash/s

Miners:  (update of this post to reflect current versions occuring on May 2nd, 2011)

m0mchil’s Python OpenCL GPU minerLatest release: v2011-03-25    [Updated Mar 25th]-''s GUI FrontendLatest release: March 21, 2011-

Diablo’s Java OpenCL GPU Miner

Latest release: March 25, 2011- jgarzik’s CPU MinerLatest release: v0.8.2, March 22nd, 2011 [Updated March 22nd, 2011]-

puddinpop’s CPU/4way/CUDA/OpenCL MinerLatest release: 2011-02-27-

ufasoft’s CPU Miner- BitcoinPool’s modified poclbm-mod GPU minerLatest release: v2011-03-24- (win32 / source)-




- Miner: Pool:

Linux:- Ubuntu 10.10:-   Miiner: Debian sid:-   Miner: 

Mac: Homebrew: